25 August 2023
Principal’s Report
Hi everyone,
I hope you are doing well as we rapidly make our way through Term 3.
Thank you to all of our families who support their children to attend school regularly and arrive at school on time. If you’re struggling to get your child to school, help is available. Please talk to us at school about your situation. We’ll support you, in whatever way we can.
During the school holidays, as part of the Federal Labor Government’s Schools Upgrade Fund our music department was refurbished. It looks sensational! We are now in the process of redeveloping our Student Lounge to enable a more student focussed, multifunctional landscape.
All staff attended a Professional Learning Day on Monday 25 July. Teachers had the opportunity to update units of work to reflect Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum. We also reflected on our improvement journey and begun incorporating the recommendations from the External School Review Team into our future planning.
Our Parent Information Evening for prospective Year 7 students in 2024 was held last week. It was a real celebration of our school and our current students and staff did an outstanding job of showcasing Devonport High School. We were excited to announce Miss Lisa Travers as our Year 7 Leader for 2024. If you were unable to attend and wish to view the school, please contact the office.
Our recent 2023 NAPLAN data shows DHS Years 7 and 9 students achieving above similar schools in all domains. Families with students in Years 7 and 9 should now have received a NAPLAN report on individual student performance. The report highlights how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy over time - individually, as part of their school community, and against national standards. This year NAPLAN results are reported against proficiency standards with 4 levels of achievement, Needs Additional Support, Developing, Strong and Exceeding to give teachers, parents and carers clearer information on how students are performing. Please contact your child’s Home Group Teacher if you would like to discuss any aspect of the report.
Devonport High School will once again be offering a Hospitality and Tourism pathway for any current Year 10 or 11 students in 2024. This course provides a pathway to work in various hospitality settings such as restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafes and coffee shops. It also provides the skills and knowledge to work in the tourism industry. This course provision is run over two days a week of a Monday and Thursday. This allows for a shared enrolment with Don College for the remaining three days a week and a guarantee of no course clashes.
We are currently taking expressions of interest, if your child is interested in enrolling, please contact Devonport High School.
Fiona Gaby
Are you making every school day count?
It’s Term 3 already – welcome back for another term!
As we move through the school year, sometimes regular school attendance can be challenging.
It’s important your child keeps up good attendance habits though.
Going to school every day means your child has every chance to learn, and be around their friends and teachers. Every day adds up, to benefit your child now and in the future.
If you’re having trouble getting your child to school, please talk to us. We’ll listen to your situation, and help in any way we can.
If you’re looking for tips on how to create better attendance habits, visit the Anything can happen website.
Don College Parent Information Evening
Don College Parent Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 13 September 2023.
4:30to 5:00 |   |
5:10 to 5:40 |
5:50 to 6:20 |
6:30 to 7:00 |
Australian History Competition
High Distinction - Year 7 Evie
Distinction - Year 7 Hamish
Distinction - Year 9 Mitchell
Credit - Year 7 Hayden, Jamie
Credit - Year 8 Toby
Credit - Year 10 Serenity, Quan, Nam, Catie, Lachlan, Simon, Jingjie
Merit - Year 8 Andrew, Gideon, Wyatt
Participation – Year 7 Zahlia, Freya, Dykota, Riley, Kaelen
Participation – Year 8 Chloe, Tiaan, Sakura
Participation – Year 9 Taya, Lara, Abigail, Tayne, Israel, Macy, Cooper, Willow, Kaira, Charlize, Joseph, Oscar and Chloe
School Social
The Student Leaders held our first post-Covid Social on Wednesday evening. The students had a great time and their enjoyment and enthusiasm was reflected in their excellent behaviour and big smiles.
Vietnam War Memorial Service
On Friday 18 August, the Devonport RSL Club marked the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War with a small commemorative service at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. Devonport High School students, Macy and Abigail laid a wreath on behalf of the school community. The Vietnam War was Australia’s longest military engagement of the 20th Century. During the decade of conflict, 60,000 Australians served. Tragically, 523 of them died and 3000 were wounded.
Caitlin Midson
Year 9/10 AST
Frank MacDonald MM
Wednesday 23 August marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Frank MacDonald MM. Frank MacDonald was the last surviving World War 1 veteran in Tasmania. He served in the 40th Infantry Battalion in WWI. He was responsible for repairing signal lines between battalion headquarters and trenches and received the Military Medal for working courageously under heavy fire. He also served in World War II and received the Legion of Honour in 1998. Frank MacDonald passed away on 23 August 2003 at the age of 107.
The anniversary was marked at Ulverstone Primary School with a wreath laying for family members and participants in the Frank MacDonald MM Memorial Prize. Mrs Midson (2022 and 2023 Teacher Chaperone) is pictured with Ulverstone High student Sarah (2023 Prize Winner), ex-Parklands High student, Taleah (2022 Prize Winner) and former Devonport High student, Bridie (2022 Prize Winner).
The Frank MacDonald MM Memorial Prize was established in his memory as a partnership between RSL and the Tasmanian Government and Education. It aims to commemorate and preserve the meaning of the ANZAC spirit in the Tasmanian community.
Devonport High School received five entries for the competition this year. The top three entries will go forward into the state competition this Friday. Well done to these students for taking on the learning opportunity and best of luck in the competition.
Caitlin Midson
Year 9/10 AST
Fearless Festival
Students in Years 9 and 10 attended the annual Fearless Festival at the Forbes Street Recreational Centre last week. Some of the industries present included Bricklaying, Electrical Contracting, Emergency Services, Defence Force, Parks and Wildlife, Horticulture, Construction, Police Force and more. It was an enjoyable and informative day for all students.