Newsletter 21 February 2025 No. 1
Principal’s Report
Dear Families
We are off to an amazing start this school year. It has been wonderful to see new and returning students settling into their routines, building friendships and embracing new learning experiences with enthusiasm. The energy and excitement throughout the school has been inspiring.
DHS staff have been working hard to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all our students from Years 7-12 and it’s evident that students are already growing and thriving. Growth is one of our DHS values we are focusing on this term.
Please follow our social media platforms to keep updated on student learning, activities and events. Water Safety, Swimming trials, NAPLAN and Year 9 Camp are fast approaching. Next week we are holding our first whole school assembly to acknowledge and induct our 2025 Student Leadership Team.
Students have been wearing the DHS uniform with pride and full school uniform is fundamental in supporting students to feel a sense of belonging. We are in our final year of transition. Any uniform purchases should now be in the Devonport City colours of navy blue and green.
Attendance is one of our school priorities and with your continued support in your students’ learning and attendance at school we are seeing an improvement in comparison to this time last year.
Thank you for your involvement thus far this year, your partnership is critical in making this year a success!
Fiona Gaby
School Levies
Invoices for the School Levy for this year have been generated. If you are not eligible for Student Assistance, you should receive the invoice in the mail soon.
Levy invoices can be paid online or via BPay, alternatively you can pay at the office. If you wish to pay by instalment, please contact the office and a payment plan can be arranged.
If you believe you may be eligible for Student Assistance we can also help with this.
We would appreciate full payment being made as soon as you are able to. Thank you to those families who have already paid.
Rose French
Acting School Business Manager
Immunisation Program Year 7 & Year 10
School Nurse
My name is Mel and I am the School Health Nurse at Devonport High School. My role within the school has a few different aspects:
- Being available for students to come to me with ANY questions or concerns and providing them with a safe space to talk, helpful resources, referrals or linking them with services they may need.
I will work alongside the school psychologist and social worker to provide support to students.
- Deliver health education and health promotion to DHS students and staff via whole school promotions, student group work, class lessons and other methods on an as needs basis. Topics may include mental health, sexual health, friendships & relationship safety, drug & alcohol awareness and health prevention/intervention campaigns.
My working days are every Friday 8am to 4pm.
Mel Smith, School Nurse
Mel Smith, School Nurse
Breakfast Club – Devonport Chaplaincy
Breakfast Club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school from 8:00am onwards. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy something to eat and have a chat.
Darra Boerma, Chaplain
Canteen Menu