Our Curriculum is based on the evolving Australian Curriculum and is divided into seven areas: English, Mathematics, Science, Geography and History, The Arts, Technologies, Health and Physical Education.


Focuses on texts and language. Students study and use written, spoken and visual language as they interact with everyday, popular and classic texts including fiction and non-fiction texts. English teaching develops students’ capacity to speak, listen, read, view and write with purpose, effort and confidence.

LOTE (Languages Other Than English)

Part of the English curriculum area because they strongly support the development of literacy, language and communication skills. When studying a LOTE, students make comparisons, recognise patterns and view their first language from a different perspective.


Focuses on number, algebra, functions and patterns, measurement, chance and data; working mathematically; and space. Mathematical knowledge includes knowing about mathematics, knowing how to act and think mathematically and knowing when and where to use mathematics. The study of Mathematics also builds an appreciation of the powerful ways in which mathematical ideas can be used to investigate key concepts of pattern, order, generality and uncertainty.


Systematically questions, investigates, predicts and explains events in the universe. It uses logical processes based on observations, experimentation and modelling to gather evidence and develop explanations. Scientific progress is the result of both logical, systematic work and creative insight, guided by respect for evidence. Through studying science, students learn to think rationally and logically and articulate their ideas.


Focuses on the study of identity, relationships and culture, civics and citizenship, systems, resources and the environment. It is an inquiry-based interdisciplinary curriculum area that draws on history, geography, ecology, economics, law, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology.

The Arts

Comprises Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Visual Arts. The Arts represents a major form of human communication and expression, providing a major means of personal creativity, satisfaction and pleasure. The Arts languages have their own conventions, codes, practices and meaning structures and communicate cultural contexts. The Arts develop verbal and physical skills, logical and intuitive thinking, interpersonal skills and spatial, rhythmic, visual and kinaesthic awareness.


Prepares students with the skills and dispositions they require to participate in life, education and work beyond the school environment. Technology gives students ‘real life’ challenges in problem solving, futures planning, design and innovation and teaches them initial skills, techniques and procedures for learning, life and work.

Health and Physical Education

Focuses on students becoming resilient, responsible, active and healthy people. The curriculum focuses on developing health and wellbeing skills, knowledge and understanding across three strands: Understanding health and wellbeing skills, Concepts for Movement and Physical Activity and Skills for Personal and Social Development. The study of Health and Physical Education enables students to better understand the factors that contribute to the wellbeing of themselves, others and the community.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

Enables students to manipulate and create information and information products and communicate in diverse and creative ways. Students operate ICT to enquire, access, reflect on and manage information, to create, generate and test ideas and to evaluate and communicate their understanding with others.

My Education

A supportive and inclusive approach to career education which guides and inspires students from kindergarten to Year 12. It supports students to identify their personal interests, values, strengths and aspirations and teaches them how to use this knowledge to make decisions about their future learning, work and life opportunities.

Thinking skills

These are at the heart of our curriculum. Students who demonstrate thinking skills across the curriculum are better equipped for their personal, educational and career pathways.