School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a our approach for establishing the social, emotional, culture and individualised supports needed for all students and a positive school climate and culture for all school community members. Through a multi-tiered framework, it aims to teach and acknowledge expected behaviour for all students. When problem behaviours occur, it allows for explicit re-teaching of expectations to ensure all students are supported. 

The goal of our PBS at Devonport High School is to create and maintain a positive and safe learning environment that enhances our school culture where we maximise individual academic and social growth. A clear set of behaviour expectations have been developed around our key school expectations and values.

Features of our PBS:

  • School-wide support from the Student Engagement and Wellbeing Team
  • Established and defined expected behaviours (will be displayed in each classroom, learning area and around the school grounds)
  • Common and consistent language of values and expected behaviours
  • Explicit teaching of expected behaviours
  • Continuum of strategies and procedures for acknowledging expected behaviours
  • Implementing a continuum of strategies to respond to problem behaviour including restorative practices.
  • Continuous collection and use of data for decision making and ongoing monitoring and evaluation (data)

Expected Behaviour Matrix

The Positive Behaviour Expectation Matrix translates Devonport High School’s values into expected behaviours. The purpose of the ‘Matrix’ is to support students understanding of the behaviours we expect to see, and that these are foremost in their minds.

All staff utilise these expectations to highlight positive behaviours in each classroom and throughout all settings of the school. The expected behaviours were developed with input from the Year 10 Student Leaders, Years 7-9 Aspiring Leaders and staff at Devonport High School.


Positive Behaviour Support Flow Chart